Pubdate: Wed, 28 Jun 2017 Source: Edmonton Sun (CN AB) Copyright: 2017 Canoe Limited Partnership. Contact: Website: Details: Author: Janet French Page: 7 LEGAL WEED A LOOMING CONCERN FOR SCHOOLS Never did Alberta School Boards Association president Mary Martin think she'd have a file labelled "Marijuana" among her advocacy documents. As the July 2018 date for legal recreational marijuana in Canada approaches, Alberta school trustees and senior administrators are questioning how they can prepare for the change. Every school board in the province will have to revisit policies and procedures, from student codes of conduct to rules about administering medication, said Kevin Andrea, superintendent of Whitecourt-based Northern Gateway Public Schools. "There's not one school board in the province that could say that we are ready now for this,"Andrea said Tuesday. Boards are closely watching the Alberta government's decisions about how and where pot can be consumed in public, the legal age for cannabis use and municipal decisions about where dispensaries can be located, said Martin, who is also a Calgary Catholic school trustee. "Clearly, the issue of safety for our kids is paramount to school boards,"she said. Edmonton Public Schools will have clear rules ready by next summer governing marijuana use on and off school property, superintendent Darrel Robertson told a May school board meeting. "It's not going to be acceptable to be at school under the influence of marijuana or any other substance,"Robertson said. What the district lacks are presentations and other resources to prevent students from driving while drug impaired, or explaining the potential effects of cannabis on students' health, Robertson said. Those lessons should be in Alberta's new K-12 curriculum, he said. Nearly 29 per cent of 15 to 19 year olds said they'd illegally used cannabis, according to a Health Canada survey in 2015. More frequent use by students has been tied to poorer academic performance and increased absenteeism and is associated with memory and cognition problems. Legalization hopefully gives teachers more chances to have frank discussions with students about cannabis use, said Rebecca Haines-Saah, a University of Calgary community health sciences professor who researches youth marijuana use. Fear of legal consequences or suspension stops many youth from talking to school staff about the risks, she said. Andrea has questions about whether the mode of consumption should matter - should schools allow pills or edibles, but prohibit smoking or vaping on school property? He worries policing underage marijuana use will fall to school staff. School authorities have told the province's cannabis secretariat they're concerned about where pot retailers will be located relative to schools, said spokeswoman Jennifer Mitok in an email Tuesday. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt