Pubdate: Mon, 24 Jul 2017 Source: Hamilton Spectator (CN ON) Copyright: 2017 The Hamilton Spectator Contact: Details: Author: John Roe Page: A10 DON'T RUSH MARIJUANA LAW "Go slow take your time," is the excellent advice Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was given last year on his plan to legalize recreational marijuana in Canada. The speaker was none other than Anne McLellan, leader of the federal government's task force on the issue, and her message was do your homework and get the job right the first time around. The caution from this former Liberal deputy prime minister was wise. It seems even more urgent now after nine Canadian premiers told the prime minister last week they have so many concerns about his promise to legalize recreational pot starting July 1, 2018, that they may ask him to postpone the change. Trudeau's target date, they warned, "may be unrealistic." Trudeau immediately quashed the possibility of any delay in keeping a major election promise and meeting his deadline - arbitrary though the latter is. That was a mistake. The premiers' questions are legitimate, significant and need answers. While Ottawa has the power to legalize recreational pot, the provincial governments have a major role to play. And it could take more than the 11 months before the current legalization deadline for them to be fully prepared. The provinces, not Ottawa, will be responsible for the sale of recreational marijuana. But should it be done by government-run outlets - such as the Liquor Control Board of Ontario stores - or private retailers - such as the ones running Ontario's Beer Stores? It may be impossible to get these outlets in place with trained staff and an established supply change within 11 months. Meanwhile, what will the price be and who will set it? If a gram of pot costs too much at a government-authorized store, black-market criminals will be ready with a cut-rate product. The same danger exists regarding government taxation. But can Ottawa and the provinces agree on appropriate tax rates by next July? Meanwhile, the provinces will be responsible for deciding the age at which people will be allowed to use recreational pot. But what will that age be, especially considering that the medical community has warned cannabis can harm developing teenage brains? And shouldn't the age be consistent across Canada? The provinces also have a major role to play in keeping drug-impaired drivers off the roadways. But many premiers reasonably wonder if an accurate system for testing drivers can be implemented in time for Trudeau's deadline. It's understandable that after being hammered for breaking election promises on democratic reform and the size of federal deficits Trudeau would be adamant about keeping this one. But he could delay the implementation date by a year or more and still have marijuana legalized by the 2019 general election. Finally, while that law is coming, Trudeau should consider decriminalizing pot for individual users. It is pointless to continue arresting people who use a substance Ottawa is in the process of legalizing. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt