Pubdate: Fri, 04 Aug 2017 Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Copyright: 2017 Postmedia Network Inc. Contact: Details: Author: Nick Eagland Page: A8 FIRST NATIONS PEOPLE THREE TIMES MORE LIKELY TO DIE FROM OVERDOSE, STATS SHOW B.C.'s overdose crisis is disproportionately impacting Indigenous people, who are three times more likely than non-First Nations people to die, according to data released Thursday. The preliminary numbers show that 14 per cent of overdoses in B.C. were experienced by First Nations people, who were five times more likely than non-First Nations people to overdose. Ten per cent of overdose deaths in B.C. were First Nations people, who comprise 3.4 per cent of the population. The data was collected from the B.C. Coroners Service, emergency departments and other health services across B.C., then linked to the First Nations Client File, which is a cohort of First Nations people with registered Indian status. It does not include all Indigenous people in B.C. or specify in which communities the deaths are occurring. Data on overdoses was gathered Jan. 31, 2015 to Nov. 30, 2016, while data on overdose deaths was gathered Jan. 31, 2015 to July 21, 2016. Dr. Shannon McDonald, deputy chief medical officer for the First Nations Health Authority, said that what officials learned from the data would be used to stop people from dying while reducing stigma and harm, through such measures as increasing access to supervised consumption sites. McDonald said health officials also want to address the root cause of the crisis, which she attributed to trauma stemming from colonization, displacement and disconnection from culture, family and community. "Issues of racism, discrimination, judgment and lack of ability to wrap people with love and services at every level has definitely affected where we're going," she said. The B.C. Coroners Service bolstered its overdose death data collection after provincial health officer Dr. Perry Kendall declared a public health emergency on April 14, 2016. But it was an arduous task to identify those with status under the Indian Act among the 1,700 people who have died of an illicit-drug overdose since the start of 2016, which led to delays in the data being released. "We've been slammed, frankly, by the number of deaths," said Lisa Lapointe, the chief coroner. "The overdose epidemic is showing us that illicit drug use in B.C. is far more pervasive than we knew and our coroners are attending fatalities across communities, across cultures, occupations and income levels," she said. And among First Nations peoples, overdose deaths were spread almost equally across genders - 52 per cent men and 48 per cent women, compared with 71 per cent for non-First Nations men and 29 per cent for women. McDonald said when she visits First Nations communities in the aftermath of an overdose death, she often finds people don't realize the ages of those most likely to die - men 30-39 and women 40-49. "I'm often hearing from people, 'Oh, you have to come talk to our kids, you have to come talk to the young people in the community.' And my response has been, 'No, I need to talk to mom and dad.' And in some circumstances, I need to talk to grandma and grandpa,'" McDonald said. Judy Darcy, B.C.'s minister for mental health and addictions, said she's learned a great deal from listening to people on the front lines of the overdose crisis during her first two weeks on the job. Darcy said she will use their information to help implement a policy of "ask once, get help fast" for people battling addictions. "What is crystal clear - what we already know - is that what's happening with the overdose crisis and First Nations communities must be absolutely central to our response as a ministry, as a government, as a province," said Darcy, adding that First Nations perspectives must be incorporated into her response, which she pledges will be swift. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt