Pubdate: Wed, 13 Dec 2017 Source: Winnipeg Sun (CN MB) Copyright: 2017 Canoe Limited Partnership Contact: Website: Details: Author: Helen Sterzer Page: 12 Note: Parenthetical remark by the Sun editor. CONCERNS NOT ADDRESSED Re: Legalization of marijuana As the countdown continues to July, 2018 and the legalization of marijuana in Canada my concern for the future is not being addressed. A popular method of raising money today appears to be suing current governments for perceived past wrongs committed by previous governments. The door this opens, for the countless numbers that have been prosecuted for pot infractions over the years, to sue federal and provincial governments could bankrupt this nation. Would it be possible or practical to include some form of "notwithstanding" clause in the laws currently being written for enactment that would preclude this scenario? I have no opinion, either pro or con, on legalization, but I am well aware of today's need of many members of society to blame someone for something and make that someone pay retribution for past wrongs, real or imagined. There are likely tens of thousands who, in the past, have been punished under current pot laws who could already be lining up for monetary "justice". Just saying. Helen Sterzer - --------------------------------------------------------------- (Not sure they're considered that.) - --- MAP posted-by: Matt