Pubdate: Wed, 27 Dec 2017 Source: Sault Star, The (CN ON) Copyright: 2017 The Sault Star Contact: Website: Details: Author: Brian Kelly Page: A1 CHIEF WORRIES ABOUT TOKING AND DRIVING Impending legalization is daunting says Keetch Sault Ste. Marie's top cop anticipates impaired driving by drugs "is going to be a significant challenge" in the latter half of the new year. The federal government plans to legalize marijuana on July 1. Robert Keetch, chief of Sault Ste. Marie Police Service, fears city residents will opt to toke and drive, not recognizing how their ability to drive may be impaired. "Canadians have not been getting the message when it comes to impaired driving and it remains the leading criminal cause of death in Canada," he told The Sault Star. "I believe that legalizing marijuana will only add to the numbers of drivers on our roadways whose ability to drive is impaired by either alcohol and/or drugs. I believe there are individuals who will consume legal marijuana and be under a false impression that their ability to drive is not impaired and will get behind the wheel of a vehicle and drive." Statistics Canada reported 72,039 impaired-driving incidents in 2015. About 4 per cent of those incidents involved drug impairment. "I believe that due to the difficulty in identifying, testing and charging individuals whose ability to drive is impaired by drugs the number of individuals driving on our roadways under the influence of drugs is significantly higher than reflected in these numbers," said Keetch. Citing a report from Canadian Centre of Substance Abuse, Keetch notes youth are not aware of crashes due to marijuana consumption and they share wider public perception that while drinking and driving is not acceptable, impairment by marijuana is not considered a concern. "I believe the perceptions of youth referenced in this study reflects the beliefs of society in general and should be concerning to all of us," he said. Keetch has no estimate of how many drivers on Sault streets will be charged with impaired driving because of smoking marijuana starting next summer. "One of the challenges will be that proving a drug-impaired driving offence will be complicated and time consuming," he said. "Field testing (using oral fluid screening devices) to detect the presence of marijuana in a driver is still in the development stage. Legislative changes need to be enacted before devices can be approved for use in an enforcement capacity in Canada." Police also need to know the maximum limit of tetrahydrocannabinol that can be in the blood before a driver is considered impaired. "It is going to be difficult to prove and bring matters before the court and potentially get convictions in front of the judicial system based on the legislation and the testing we have at our availability at this point in time," said Keetch. He wants more of his officers to get standardized field sobriety test and drug recognition expert training. The instruction can help police identify persons who are under the influence of marijuana. "We think there's going to be an increased prevalence of individuals driving vehicles that are under the influence of marijuana when it's legalized," said Keetch. "We want to be in a position to recognize that and enforce laws relative to marijuana." He's concerned other police services want officers trained too. "We're all competing for limited spaces on these courses," said Keetch. His service has asked the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services to consider the Sault as a Northern training site to ease travel costs to Ontario Police College in Alymer. Other Northern services could send their officers to the city. Sault police are still waiting to hear back on their request. Drug recognition expert training is only available in Florida. Education, prevention, intervention, collaboration and enforcement are all part of a strategy to deal with the legalization of marijuana, says Keetch. "The impending July 1 date is challenging, but we will continue to monitor the situation, provide our collective input/advice and dedicate significant resources in an effort to minimize the risk to overall community safety," he said. Keetch spoke with The Sault Star prior to City of Sault Ste. Marie announcing last Friday his employment relationship with the municipality will end, likely in 2018, after a successor for his position is found. - --- MAP posted-by: Matt