Pubdate: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 Source: Lethbridge Herald (CN AB) Copyright: 2018 The Lethbridge Herald Contact: Details: Author: Roland Cotton Page: A8 ACTION NEEDED ON ROOTS OF DRUG CRISIS The opioid crisis affecting Canada and the world has surfaced in a significant dangerous way here in Lethbridge. This rampant drug abuse involving fentanyl, labelled as the "new alcohol," is being driven by factors that can and should be controlled by our own community activities or lack thereof. Much is being done to deal with the crisis, i.e. safe Injection site and other initiatives. Nevertheless, little is being done to deal with the underlying causes driving this crisis. Currently, our own Lethbridge Shelter is accommodating homeless citizens, many of whom are affected by addictions, homelessness, job loss, poverty. Many are selling drugs to put food in their bellies. On average, 65 per cent of the clientele are aboriginal. The shelter has become a refuge for drug dealers and users banished from the Blood Reserve - many as a direct result of the new "trespass" policy on the reserve. The Blood Tribe does not want them, and neither does Lethbridge. The Blood Tribe has a fiduciary responsible for their people. Banishing them to the next community does not solve the problem. They need to train and send front-line workers, addictions counsellors, to the streets of Lethbridge to work with the community. They need to be part of developing programs. The Lethbridge Shelter and Resource Centre no longer houses the Resource Centre. The City's social development, in its wisdom, has removed this vital service, leaving only an emergency shelter. Involvement of the Blood Tribe and local agencies are no longer attached to this location. The Blackfoot women's lodge, YWCA and the shelter are housing the families and children of those who find themselves banished due to drug pushing and drug use. The Blood Tribe, along with other reserves, need to get together and face this crisis head on, in order to reduce the number of overdose deaths. Instead of sending tribe members home in caskets, send them home with education and help for the reserve. A change in focus is the only answer to making the situation better. This must be acted on now. We are in an emergency situation. Roland Cotton President, Sik-Ooh-Kotoki Friendship Society Lethbridge - --- MAP posted-by: Matt