From the potent volcanic shores of Hawaiian Nation to you, Pure Fire... Historic event for Hemp Freedom in Hawaii, JUNE 3, 1997! The Hawaii County Council Finance Committee voted to DEFER acceptance of Federal funding, Res. 94, "Resolution authorizing the County of Hawaii to ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA for a STATEWIDE Marijuana Eradication Grant..." for the first time in nearly 20 years! This crucial turning point of political conscience came after impassioned testimony by some 3 dozen ProMarijuana and AntiProhibition activists. The County's own charter mandates a PROGRAM REVIEW every four years, which has been mysteriously "POSTPONED" three times already. It is quite possible that if the DEA is forced into a comprehensive Program Review of their Search and Seizure tactics, the Marijuana Eradication Program will die a public and muchheralded death.This Inquisition against the Cannabis flower is taking place on the Big Island of Hawaii among widespread POLICE CORRUPTION, which, if fully exposed, may have explosive international implications. Mention was also made of "secret" clauses within the County's contract with the DEA, yet to be disclosed. The Finance session will reconvene June 16, the day after the First Annual INTERNATIONAL ANTIPROHIBITION DAY, with a Rally and expert testimony planned by the "Great Hawaiian Hemp Uprising", the AdHemp Committee of local activists. Stay tuned for further developments. In Spirit, Hawaii is the Heart of Aloha. Help heal our hearts by helping us FREE THE HERB in Hawaii. After California, Hawaii is ripe for AWAKENING. This Paradise Kingdom is the righteous place to face off with "Uncle Scam", the DEA warchoppers, and the DEMONIZING Crusade against Nature known as "Marijuana Prohibition". Stay tuned for new information coming your way, including contacts for investigation, action updates, and HAWAIIAN ALOHA. Send RSVP email to be in "Broadcast Seedbank" / As we're saying to the World "ACT NOW OR SURRENDER YOUR RIGHTS!" AdHemp Spokesman/Media Contact: Roger Christie (808) 9610488 Beauty and Blood, Blushing and Budding Br'er BZ Browzer/purefire