Source:  Orange County RegisterOpinion
Pubdate: Wednesday 72397 metro, page 7        LTE

   Regarding the story about Edward Palenkas, the
70yearold retired industrialist who received proba
tion after the hitandrun killing of an 11yearold
boy["Retire pleads guilty to fatal hitandrun,"news,
July 19]:

   In many places, Palenkas could have lost his license
 and even his car for getting caught smoking pot, even
if he wasn't driving at the time. In other places, he 
could go to jail for smoking a joint to treat one of the
many illnesses or disabilities common to people his age.
Yet he received probation, 20 hours of community service
and a $20,000 fine(certainly not a big deal for someone
who drives a Roll Royce) for killing a young boy while
under the influence of alcohol, which is just as much a
drug as pot, herion or cocaine.

   Our young people see this type of blatant, hypocritical
double standard regarding legal versus illegal drugs every
day. Do we really have to wonder why they don't believe what
we tell them about either one?