Pubdate: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 SACRAMENTO, Calif.(BUSINESS WIRE)July 29, 1997Michael Bradbury, District Attorney, Ventura County and chair of the California Council on Criminal Justice today released a cuttingedge guidebook for local communities on the critical issue of children and methamphetamine labs. The guidebook was a product of collaboration with the Governor's Office of Criminal Justice Planning and an advisory group of experts from social services, law enforcement, the medical community, district attorneys' offices, and other involved organizations. "Tragically, children are becoming the newest victims of this dangerous and deadly drug. Under the Governor's leadership, California has taken a leadership role on establishing statewide protocols on how to deal with this critical policy issue," Bradbury said. In 1996, more than 850 clandestine methamphetamine laboratories were raided statewide by the California Department of Justice. This is up significantly from 465 labs in 1995. Law enforcement reports documents that children are being endangered by exposure to deadly chemicals and explosions, not to mention neglect. The Governor's Office of Criminal Justice Planning will designate $3.6 million for project implementation to address this problem. The funds will be authorized over a threeyear period in Fiscal Year 199798. The goal of the project is to stop the victimization and further abuse of California's children. CONTACT: California Council on Criminal Justice Suzanne Miller, 916/3249136 KEYWORD: CALIFORNIA BW0228 JUL 30,1997