Pubdate:  Wed, 6 Aug 1997

Lexington, Kentucky
August 6, 1997



Hemp is not marijuana

	In response to Danny Pigman’s wellintentioned letter applauding Woody
Harrelson and the state hearing on hemp cultivation, he has some homework to
do. Harrelson and all hemp advocates have been promoting hemp, not marijuana.

Pigman inadvertently perpetuates the misconception that the two are one and
the same when he says things like “industrial and medicinal values of hemp
working together can accomplish relief for those in need of its medicine, and
relief to farmers in need of commerce. Working together we can accomplish

Harrelson is working hard to relieve the Earth’s suffering by promoting
hemp, an environmentally friendly, viable alternative to big timber
production, chemicalhungry fiber crops, fossil fuels and petroleum products.
His success will do little, if anything, to further the cause for the
legalization of medicinal marijuana.

Hemp has virtually none of the psychoactive chemical for which medicinal
marijuana is cultivated, thus it is impotent in relieving anybody’s
suffering. Except perhaps the farmer in search of a cash crop that is
Earthfriendly and a viable alternative to our current overdependence on
chemicals, timber and fossil fuels.

Jane Moreland
Lexington, Kentucky