Source: San Francisco Chronicle Contact: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 Page A16 The HelmsWeld Show: Theater of the Absurd THE ONGOING Jesse HelmsWilliam Weld snarling match over the ambassadorship to Mexico has enlivened Washington's summer dog days as an instructive political sideshow. It is entertaining and sadly revealing of how the Senate works, but it's time to bring the curtain down and start the hearings on Weld. The former governor of Massachusetts is a solid choice for that important and sensitive diplomatic job. But Helms, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, refuses to allow confirmation hearings. He claims Weld is ``not ambassador quality'' because he is soft on drugs and ``a little loose with his lips sometimes.'' Weld's major sin is that he supports medical use of marijuana and needle exchange programs to reduce the spread of AIDS, as do many responsible physicians. Weld also supports abortion and gay rights and follows a moderatelibertarian style of Republicanism that is anathema to Helms' hard right philosophy. For his part, Weld could use a few lessons in Washington diplomacy. As soon as he was nominated by President Clinton, Weld started mouthing off, insulting and challenging Helms, a man with a prickly nature and a long memory. Weld has accused Helms of ``ideological extortion,'' and vowed to wage ``war'' against him in the hearings. As one veteran lobbyist observed, ``The first rule of any confirmation is don't anger the barracuda, and that's exactly what Weld did.'' Finally, Senator Richard Lugar, second ranking Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee, fed up with Helm's autocratic obstructionism, joined the GOP dogfight on Weld's side. Lugar, chairman of the Senate Agricultural Committee, threatened to bottle up key farming issues that would have a severe impact on North Carolina's economy if Helms continues to obstruct. ``There are issues in the agriculture area that are of interest to Senator Helms tobacco, for instance, peanuts,'' said Lugar, a longtime tobacco foe. Helms was unmoved. President Clinton continues to support Weld, but he will not challenge Helms' decision, the White House says. Besides displaying the arrogance of power, the HelmsWeld brouhaha demonstrates the need to reform Senate rules that allow a single chowderhead with a personal grievance to defy the will of the whole body. © The Chronicle Publishing Company