Pubdate:  Sept. 7, 1997
Source:  Rocky Mountain News [Denver, CO]
Page 8B

Mayor ought to do the smart thing and authorize needleexchange program

Clarence Page's proneedle exchange editorial ("Smart folks embrace 'dopey' 
idea," 8/28/97) deserves a local addendum. Here are some of the smart folks

recommending syringe exchanges in Colorado: the Denver Medical Society, the

Colorado Nurses Association, the Colorado Medical Society, and Children's
Hospital Pediatric Infectious Disease Program.  

These groups know how to analyze medical statistics: six federallyfunded 
studies show that the programs lower the transmission of infectious diseases 
without any increase in drug usage by the community. And unlike Denver City 
Councilman Ed Thomas  a halfcocked opponent  these groups realize the 
financial and emotional cost of dealing daily with the ravages of infectious 
diseases like AIDS and hepatitis.

A Denver syringe exchange can be run without taxpayers' money 
enough local

benefactors would pitch in. But it can't be run without a change in the law. 
Mayor Wellington Webb ought to do the smart thing: issue an emergency health
order (like
 Cleveland, Philadelphia and Los Angeles) exempting needle exchange programs
from the city's
 paraphernalia law. 

Gregory Daurer
