Pubdate: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 Source: Chicago Sun-Times (IL) Author: Arthur R. Sobey Reference the column by Mary Mitchell, "Advising kids to say "no" when you said "yes". 2-16-97. Dear Editor, The maxim, "truth is the first casualty of war", is particularly true in the War on Drugs. A prohibition, accompanied by harsh sanctions, is a sure stifler of truth. Mary Mitchell spoke from her heart in her courageous column. While I applaud Mary, I don't condemn those who are silenced by fear of imprisonment, job loss and public ostracism. Protection of self and family must come first for most of us. Predictably, the imprisonment of tax paying pot smokers and the destruction of their families has failed to show any success in halting the flow of drugs to school children. Zero tolerance "reefer madness" propaganda has also failed. When intelligent teens, like Marys son, seek out authority figures for guidance on marijuana, they are entitled to the same truths they are taught in Math or English. Arthur R Sobey