Pubdate: [Tue, 01 Apr 1997] Source: Lawrence Journal-World (KS) Author: Laura A. Green Dear Sir: As the debate rages over whether or not marijuana is medicine, innocent people continue to get caught in the crossfire. In Douglas County recently, a medical marijuana patient was charged with felony cultivation for attempting to cultivate a few marijuana plants in their backyard last September, to allieviate constant nausea and vomiting. When the Drug Unit arrived at their home they found a few plants, ranging in size from 3 inches to a few feet. The five drug unit officers brought with them two Kansas Division of Revenue employees who took thousands of dollars worth of musical equipment to satisfy the Kansas drug tax ($1500, payable at the time of arrest). Over five months later, this person is in court now facing a possible felony conviction, for something they and their doctor have discussed openly and frankly. is supported by prestigious medical journals such as the Journal of American Medical Association, New England Journal of Medicine, and the Lancet (British), just to name a few. In conversations with local Congresspersons, several have made it clear they support the right of a doctor to decide what is best for a patient, and would vote for a medical necessity defense bill to keep patients out of the courtroom. Unfortunately, none of them have the courage to introduce such a bill, or to even take a public stand. The same can be said for many doctors, nurses, laywers, cops, and educators, right here in Lawrence. None will speak out, about what the editor of the New England Journal of Medicine calls, "the misguided, heavy-handed, and inhumane," policy that leaves patients vulnerable to arrest, prosecution, and in some cases jail. I urge Douglas County District Attorney Chris Tonkavitch, in the name of compassion and humanity, to stop prosecuting medical marijuana patients. Laura A. Green Lawrence, KS