Pubdate: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 Source: Burlington Free Press (VT) Author: Robert Melamede Ph.D. The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and all other laws must be consistent with it. The purpose of our government is to protect all Americans from having our basic constitutional rights violated. The Free Press gives headlines to the most wanted drug fugitives associated with the "Greer-Hutchinson Conspiracy", yet makes no mention of how the US Prosecutors Office is fighting to deny Greer and co-defendents one of their most basic Constitutional rights, that of a fair and impartial jury. I and many others with whom I have spoken regarding this issue, are happy to know that some people have escaped prosecution from the unjust marihuana laws that have their roots in racism, sexism, greed and political nonsense. Robert Melamede Ph.D. South Burlington, VT