Pubdate: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 Source: Oregonian (OR) Author: Floyd Ferris Landrath You know life is full of surprises, just ask Cynthia Robinson who is now paralyzed from the waist down. On Aug. 13 a stray bullet intended for some low-life crack-dealer, no doubt fired by another low-life crack-dealer nicked her spinal cord as she drove home from work. Or 3 months later and Wednesday's (11/12) wounding of a 16-year old girl in the same area of Northeast Portland, same scenario, ("Random shots fired from passing car wound teen-age girl," 11/13/97). In the time between these shootings the local drug dealers, like cockroaches exposed to light, scattered into shadows after a Sept. 5 police raid on a nearby gas station where illegal drugs were being sold. But once the darkness returns, after law enforcement and media retreat... it's business as usual. Even the cops admit, "Wednesday's shooting is the result of drug dealers returning to the area," said Gang Enforcement officer Peter Simpson. Anyone forced to live with roaches knows, they always come back. But we refuse to live like this! "Just Say No" to this violent darkness crawling with carriers of addiction diseases. There's a public health approach to drug abuse called Harm Reduction, sometimes referred to as "medicalization." We think it will work better. It certainly deserves a fair chance, witness the obvious failure of current drug policies. Just ask Cynthia Robinson. It's time for Oregon to once again lead the way. It's time to end this senseless violence related to illegal drugs distribution. We must eliminate black-market profits by regulating adult use in a manner which respects freedom of choice, while demanding personal accountability. Which is exactly what the League's 'Drugs Control Amendment' will do. Roaches beware, the exterminator is here. Floyd Ferris Landrath Director, American Antiprohibition League