Pubdate: Mon, 08 Dec 1997
Source: Des Moines Register (IA)
Author: D. Paul Stanford

The commentary by Altoona Police Chief John Gray was socratic
slieght-of-hand at its most

Every one of these slippery slope questions posed by Chief Gray
was written by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration in the
federal government-funded pamphlet, "How to Hold Your Own in a
Drug Legalization Debate."

This pamphlet was written at the Quantico Marine base using vast
amounts of our tax dollars.

Why must we fund this blatantly political activity with our
hard-earned tax dollars?

Though I do not doubt Chief Gray's sincerity; I question his real
motivation.  If he is going to plagiarize the DEA's self-serving
propaganda, the least he can do is cite his source.

D. Paul Stanford
Portland, OR