Printed in the Star Newspaper, Grand Coulee, Tried To Hard To Educate "PollyPurebreads"
By Tom Hawkins
Yeah, maybe the threats I received from a coworker has made me think a
little.  I was advised to keep my opinions and preaching to myself when it
comes to Prohibition and informed that if I did not action could be taken
against me.  Well, I can tell everyone of you reading this I do what I do
because I care about our community and our country.  This whole purpose not
only has personal value, it has Constitutional value.  If it didn't mean so
very much to me, my views on the trashing of the Constitution by the
government wouldn't have been expressed outwardly at work.

Maybe I tried a little too hard to educate a few "pollypurebread", 
"leaveittobeaver" raised citizens I worked with.  If this is a crime, 
then, arrest me.  If this is violation of the First Amendment, then 
arrest me.  If this is all together politically incorrect, I could give 
a darn!  I have a personal score to settle with the companies that produce
harmful substances in the name of "legal" status.  I have a score to settle
with the companies that produce products that pollute the environment in
which we must live and our future generations must live.  I have a personal
score to settle with our government who is walking all over our
Constitutional Rights without regard for anyone or anything that exists on
this earth, all in the name of their "Drug War."  

This is what keeps me going and fighting to stay in the ranks with those
who stand up for freedom in America.  This is what I believe in and if
someone is offended by it, they better never, ever call me or knock on my
door when it all comes down on them, asking for help and saying that they
are scared and don't know what to do!  You all know what I'm speaking of
for it is not just antiProhibitionists who are being targeted by these
erosions of American rights.  It starts with the "War on Drugs" but it
moves quickly to gun ownership rights to women's rights to chose to the
right of doctors to prescribe sufficient pain medications without the fear
of DEA intervention.  Left unchecked and unchallenged these policies will
soon spread throughout our society to encompass every aspect of our lives.

I will continue the struggle for all Americans, even those who stand
against me when I am fighting for freedom of choice.  I have nothing to
lose but what I came into the world with;  My word and my country.  My
freedom, liberty, and the right to be an American, living in the guidelines
of the Constitution of the United States are worth fighting for.  I am
willing and I am proud to stand for what I stand for and to fight with
everyone in ranks, for the cause so dearly hungered for; The rights given
us by The American Constitution.


	Tom Hawkins
	Grand Coulee


Tom Hawkins
Regional Manager
Washington Media Awareness Project