Pubdate: 16Aug97 

Source:   The Economist Magazine

Marijuana as a medicine. A subtle syllogism 

Cannabis is a drug. Drugs are supposed to make you better. Therefore 
cannabis can make you better. Discuss 

"THERE is not a shred of scientific evidence . . . that smoked marijuana is 
useful or needed." Thus spake Barry McCaffrey, a retired army general and 
Gulfwar hero, in his new role as commanderinchief of the Clinton 
administration's War on Drugs. The National Institutes of Health ( NIH ) 
begs cautiously to differ. An NIH report issued on August 8th said that 
eight experts whom it had convened earlier this year expressed "varying 
degrees of enthusiasm" about whether the dreaded weed had true medical value 
and, if it had, whether it did things that other drugs, less frowned upon by 
officialdom, could not. William Beaver of Georgetown University, who chaired 
the original workshop, said that "for at least some potential indications 
marijuana looks promising enough to recommend that there be new controlled 

Those who advocate marijuana as a medicine usually have four potential uses 
in mind: to control glaucoma, to suppress the nausea induced by anticancer 
drugs, to relieve the pain of multiple sclerosis, and to stimulate the 
appetites of those with AIDS . 

Smoking can be good for you 

In the case of glaucoma it is widely accepted that the elevated pressure in 
the eyeball that damages the optic nerve falls when marijuana is smoked. 
That is why, until 1991, America's Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) 
permitted ophthalmologists to prescribe the weed to patients for whom other 
treatments had failed. Since then, new glaucoma drugs have been produced. 
These act at different points in the biochemical pathway that causes eyes to 
produce too much fluid. However, no approved drug actually makes the eyes' 
drainage system more efficient. If marijuana improves the outflow (which is 
possible, but not yet known) it would be a valuable addition to current 

Marijuana is also of undoubted benefit in suppressing the nausea suffered by 
many people on anticancer chemotherapy. The argument here is whether it is 
necessary to smoke the stuff for the full benefits to emerge. This is 
because a capsule version of marijuana's active ingredient, 
delta9tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC , has been passed through the 
regulatory process for use in these circumstances. 

Despite that, none of the NIH 's experts deemed smoked marijuana to be by 
definition a superfluous adjunct to chemotherapy. Unlike oral THC , its 
vapour is easily absorbed and acts quickly. It may also contain as yet 
unidentified substances that help THC 's action. And, unlike both the THC 
capsules and other legal nausea suppressors which work in different ways, 
reefers allow users to finetune the dose for themselves. Chemotherapy 
powerfully reminds cancer patients of their lifethreatening illness. 
Because marijuana cigarettes are under their control, they tend to ease 
their feelings of helplessness. 

In the case of multiple sclerosis ( MS ), marijuana brings relief that other 
painkillers do not seem to manage. Many of those who suffer from this 
disease have burning sensations in their limbs, particularly at night. These 
sensations are probably caused both by the disorder's destruction of the 
protective fatty coating around nerve cells and the damage it does to the 

Conventional analgesics can do little to ease this burning sensation_which 
seems to be similar to the phantom pain often suffered by amputees_but some 
sufferers say that a joint at bedtime makes the difference between their 
sleeping and not doing so. What study there has been of marijuana for MS 
_and it is not much_suggests they could be right. 

The fourth use_marijuana's wellknown ability to stimulate the appetite_is 
particularly significant in the treatment of AIDS . Again, smoking appears 
to be better than taking THC in capsule form. The pure form of the drug is 
poorly absorbed by many of the afflicted and, besides, often makes people so 
high that they never get around to eating. The loss of leanmuscle mass that 
occurs as patients waste away to shadows of their former selves is an 
ominous predictor of their impending deaths. 

The best alternative to smoked pot for appetite stimulation is human growth 
hormone, which has been found both to restore lean tissue to emaciated AIDS 
patients and to improve their chances of survival. The catch is that_at 
$36,000 for a year's supply_it is prohibitively expensive (marijuana 
treatment for the same period costs a mere $500). The other readily 
available option is megestrol acetate, a synthetic female hormone which is 
somewhat cheaper. Unfortunately, studies have shown that it does not improve 
survival_probably because the weight gain it produces, instead of being 
muscle, is mainly fat. 

All this would seem to make smoked marijuana the medicine of choice for 
helping the HIV positive to gain the right kind of weight. Indeed, one AIDS 
patient testified to the workshop that it had enabled him to regain 40lbs 
(around 20kg), and that by using it only at night he had been able to keep 
that weight on for four years while working fulltime as a newsletter editor. 

Some studies done before the AIDS epidemic found, however, that marijuana 
dampens the immune system. Something that depresses their immune systems is 
the last thing that AIDS patients need. But these studies were only 
preliminary (others came to the opposite conclusion) and they were done 
without the benefit of modern techniques for assessing immunesystem damage. 
Unfortunately, they have not been repeated_which outlines one of the 
greatest difficulties in the effort to assess marijuana's value as a medical 
drug: doing trials to find out the truth. 

Dont ask, dont tell 

A team of AIDS researchers, led by Donald Abrams of the University of 
California, San Francisco, planned a patient study aimed at resolving the 
immunity issue in 1992, but it was unable to get the marijuana that would 
have made the trial possible. The federal government is the only legal 
source of the drug for research purposes in America, and scientists cannot 
obtain it without the blessing of the NIH . In this case, the NIH stipulated 
that the proposal would first have to be given a sufficiently high score by 
an independent panel of scientific reviewers. But when the panelists 
received it, they refused to review it. 

Their reasons for refusing are not entirely clear. Nor is it clear whether, 
assuming that such a study were carried out, and that it found marijuana to 
be an effective medicine, official approval for its use would then be 
forthcoming. America's food and drug law does not say that a drug has to be 
better than its competitors for a given purpose to be licensed. It has only 
to be better than a placebo. Nonetheless, Robert Temple, an FDA official, 
once said that his agency could be forced to withhold approval of smoked 
marijuana, despite this aspect of the law. Some drugs are known to induce 
paranoia through chemical action. Marijuana, it seems, can do it through 
political action instead.