Source:   Dallas Morning News
Contact:    Sat, 30 Aug   (Douglas Holt)

FBI upgrades probe into border shooting 
Full civil rights investigation planned in Marine's slaying of teen, 
agent says 

By Douglas Holt / The Dallas Morning News 

EL PASO  The FBI has been given "carte blanche" to pursue a civil 
rights investigation into the shooting of an 18yearold shepherd on the 
border by a Marine on a drug surveillance mission, an FBI official said 

After receiving the FBI's preliminary investigation of the May 20 death 
of Esequiel "Zeke" Hernandez, Department of Justice lawyers in 
Washington told the FBI this week to upgrade its inquiry into a 
"fullfield" investigation, said Terry Kincaid, the FBI resident 
agentincharge in Midland.

"The Department of Justice obviously felt this situation called for 
quite a bit more detail," Agent Kincaid said. "We will pretty much look 
at everything and leave no rock unturned associated with the case. It 
will be a very detailed and complex undertaking."

Agent Kincaid, who is heading the investigation, declined to estimate 
how long the inquiry would take. The number of FBI agents assigned to 
the task has not been determined, but he said he was given "pretty much 
carte blanche" for "as many as I need."

"If the investigation indicates that there was a violation of civil 
rights associated with this case, we intend to find it," he said.

In addition to the ongoing Justice Department investigation, Rep. Lamar 
Smith, RSan Antonio, plans to hold congressional hearings on the 
shooting next month.

Military troops have been used since 1989 to conduct covert surveillance 
missions of drug trafficking routes. The Marines involved in the 
Hernandez shooting were dressed in heavy camouflage and were acting 
under the direction of the U.S. Border Patrol.

The four Marines who were on patrol have told authorities that Mr. 
Hernandez was shot after he had fired two shots and was preparing to 
fire a third, placing them in "imminent danger."

Mr. Hernandez's death angered residents of the tiny Big Bendarea 
community of Redford, where he was shot while tending his family's 
goats, and sparked protests from El Paso to Washington.

On Aug. 14, a Presidio County grand jury  which included a Border 
Patrol supervisor on duty the night of the shooting, a retired Border 
Patrol agent and an active agent's wife  declined to issue criminal 
charges against the Marine who shot Mr. Hernandez, Cpl. Clemente 

Jack Zimmermann, a lawyer representing Cpl. Banuelos, said he welcomed 
the investigation because "the shooting was justified."

"A grand jury found no probable cause, and the Justice Department will 
find no problem," he said.

The Pentagon has ordered a temporary pullout of ground troops deployed 
on U.S. soil pending a policy review.