Pubdate: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 Source: Ottawa Citizen Contact: French minister wants cannabis legalized By Susannah Herbert, The Daily Telegraph PARIS French Environment Minister Dominque Voynet expressed support yesterday for the legalization of cannabis, a drug she admitted having smoked. "Speaking as a doctor and as a politician, I am still in favour of legalization," Ms. Voynet said. "The occasional consumption of cannabis has no impact on health and social bonds. "I am more worried by the number of French people who need sleeping pills than by the number of people who admit smoking a joint," she told the magazine Charlie Hebdo. Ms. Voynet, 38, the leader of France's Green party, which favours controlled legalization of drugs, was asked by the magazine if she had ever smoked cannabis. "Yes," she said. "Do you still smoke it?" she was then asked. Her distinctly unmisterial answer "Merde!" has amused the Greens, who take it to mean yes. But it has placed the hardline interior minister, JeanPierre Chevenement, in a difficult position. His ministry has insisted there would be no softening of France's harsh antidrug laws, stressing that the issue did fall under the competence of Ms. Voynet, a former anesthetist. "Drug use is punishable with up to a year in prison, and the penalty for encouraging drug use is five years in prison," said a spokesman, who refused to say whether Ms. Voynet might face prosecution for her words.