Pubdate: October 6, 1997
Source: North Shore News (Vancouver)
Contact:  Leo Knight Dopey solution to drug problem

IN the wake of health officials declaring a "medical emergency" on the downtown
eastside, where approximately half of the city's junkies are infected with HIV,
Vancouver East MP, Libby Davies suggested it's time we provide free heroin to

If that little nugget of brilliance wasn't enough, she went on to say we should
set up socalled "safe houses" for their shelter and use. I would suggest
"shooting galleries" might be more appropriate terminology.

Not that I'd ever accuse Davies of being a deep thinker, but this latest gem
shows just how superficial and ignorant of reality she really is.

The legalization, or decriminalization as some would have us call it, of heroin
is an old, tired argument. Those who cannot come to grips with individual, as
opposed to societal responsibility, constantly regurgitate this drivel instead
of seeing the problem for what it is and pushing for the money and appropriate
legislation to deal with the problem.

Let's try a little dose of reality in examining this issue.

No one forced these people to become junkies. Let's be really clear on this
point. A conscious decision was made before the first needle was pushed into a
junkie's arm. Then, they had to keep it up, shooting over and over until their
bodies physiologically craved the chemical intruder. This does not happen

Vancouver Police say that junkies cost society over $300 million per year in
property crime alone. Yet, too many of the Libby Davies' of this world somehow
think that by giving junkies a daily hit, costing taxpayers a little over $10
each per day, will suddenly stop the rampant crime problem perpetuated by

A recent study done for the government of the Netherlands said, "as many as 50%
(of addicts) were already committing offences before they became addicted to
drugs. As far as these people are concerned, crime and drug abuse are mutually
reinforcing elements of an unconventional lifestyle."

Personally, I'd venture an educated guess that the number is much higher
relative to the addicts I've come across on the downtown eastside.

This is important. Theirs is an "alternate life style," although some might
liken it to an "alternate life form." The drug subculture looks at life,
property and liberty in a vastly different way than you or I.

Oh sure, there is the odd exception of a kid from a nice West Vancouver family
who "accidently got hooked" blah, blah, blah. I still return to the matter of
conscious decisions and personal responsibility for one's actions. Something the
"politically correct" just can't seem to come to grips with.

What about some basic questions Davies seems to have ignored?

Questions like, who would distribute "legal" heroin? Would we entrust doctors to
keep it in their offices? You think breakins are high now? Put heroin in
doctor's offices and I guarantee the numbers would skyrocket like the Symphony
of Fire.

At what age would you start distributing heroin? There are 12, 13 and
14yearold junkies now in the city. Do we give them heroin or do they continue
to get it from the corner dealer?

Good Lord, the government can't even keep cigarettes out of their hands despite
millions spent on advertising and laws forcing their dirty work on corner store

How will we define who is an addict? Will someone show up at a doctor's office
and simply show some needle marks while confessing, "I'm a junkie. Please give
me drugs." What about cocaine? Speedballs, a mixture of heroin and cocaine, is
the "high" of choice for many of our addicts. Is cocaine on the table as well?

The reality is some junkies have $500 to $1,000aday habits. How will Davies'
controlled "hit a day" lunacy deal with those people? They will still rob, cheat
and steal to get the extra drugs they need.

What about the alcoholics in the skid row area? They certainly outnumber the
junkies by about three or four to one. Their health problems like tuberculosis
and hepatitis are certainly as contagious and life threatening as HIV. Hell, why
not? While we're at it, a bottle of scotch a day for them too.

No question, people are dying from overdoses. HIV is being spread by people
sharing infected needles.

Crimes committed by junkies are reaching epidemic proportions. B.C. has become a
haven for junkies, crooks and thieves from all over Canada. We already pay them
for the privilege of being their hosts. Now we should be supplying a portion of
their habits as well?

What are you smoking, Libby?

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