Pubdate: October 22 1997
Source: Courier Mail
Page: 3
Contact: Mail: Queensland Newspapers Pty Ltd,GPO Box 130, Brisbane, Qld, 4001.
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Cannabis and Youth

A joint (sic) Education Department and University of Queensland study has
found that half of year 12 Queensland students have tried cannabis and one
in five are regular cannabis smokers. 

Girls are more likely to have used the drug (55 per cent of year 12 girls)
compared to boys (53 per cent). Most of these students had tried the drug
by year 10. 

More than 3600 students from private and state schools completed the survey
about alcohol, cigarette and illicit drug use last year. 

The study also found that of those surveyed, one in ten had tried the
hallucinogenic drug LSD and half of those had used it in the past month. 

Only 3 per cent had tried ecstasy and less than 1 per cent of year 12s were
weekly users. 

Between 2 and 3 per cent of students had tried cocaine or heroin. 

One in three were regular cigarette smokers. 

Younger students in years 7 to 9 were more likely to sniff intoxicants,
such as glue, with one in 10 year 7 students "sniffing" in the previous