Source: Seattle PostIntelligencer Contact: Pubdate: 29 Oct 1997 I685 smarter approach to failing drug war and to easing patients pain by Bob Thompson, George H Revelle and Andrew Mullins The PostIntelligencer's recent editorial on Initiative 685 (commonly but somewhat superficially referred to as the "medical marijuana measure") was remarkable. You seemed to support its intent and most major provisions, but failed to endorse it on the grounds that it isn't perfect. What initiative is? The initiative process may not be the ideal mechanism for developing public policy. It is, however, a very effective mechanism for moving society forward when elected officials lack the political courage to acknowledge failures and to apply effective, if controversial, solutions. And so it is with the interminable, exorbitant and outrageously ineffective war on drugs. For decades our government has spent billions of tax dollars each yeah to wage the war much of it for commando squads and helicopter attacks on pot patches from coast to coast and to what end? Drug use is rampant. Prisons are overflowing. And the most persuasive, informative advice we can give our kids is: Just say no"? We say enough. It is time indeed, it is long past time for a smarter approach. The threat of imprisonment, however long, does not deter drug addicts from feeding their addiction. Treatment is less costly than prison and far more effective in reducing drug abuse and crimes against others committed by drug abusers. Still, some cling to the fallacy that all we really need to do to save our kids from the scourge of drugs is threaten to toss them in jail. Even more absurd is the notion that our policy must be absolute that exceptions cannot be made even for patients in mortal pain. We have seen and dealt with the ravages of drug abuse. We have witnessed, firsthand, how it ruins lives lives and destroys families. It is because of that understanding, not in spite of it, that we support I685. These are the facts: I685 is not about legalizing drugs (in fact, it leaves marijuana and all Schedule One drugs in a more restrictive category than cocaine, amphetamines and morphine.) It does refocus current policy toward medical treatment and education, rather than incarceration, for nonviolent drug users. Contrary to opponents' claims, it does not require the release of any criminal but, instead, gives judges the discretion on a case by case basis to release nonviolent drug users for court supervised drug treatment. People with violent criminal history or those already serving time for other crimes are not even eligible for consideration. It requires those convicted of a violent crime under the influence of illegal drugs to serve their full sentence. It also creates and funds a parent commission on drug abuse prevention programs for youth. I685 also permits doctors with a concurring opinion from a second physician to treat and their seriously ill patients to use any drug with established medical benefit, without threat of prosecution. The doctors must have compelling scientific evidence supporting the drug's medical benefit. Currently, marijuana is the only drug on the federal government's Schedule One list to meet that tough standard. In the future, medical research may discover treatment benefits of other Schedule One drugs. If and when that happens, I685 will allow doctors not politicians to decide whether to offer them as treatment. Ineffective in arguing that we are "dangerous radicals" our opponents now portray us as well intentioned but gullible rubes pawns to sinister forces whose intent is to legalize all drugs. and, oh yes, it is a plot hatched and directed by (pause for dramatic effect) outofstate contributors. Thanks, but for conspiracy tales we prefer "The XFiles". The movement for a more intelligent approach to the drug problem crosses all borders and all traditional political boundaries. It is spreading quickly. We are proud of the support we have earned from bold, visionary philanthropists who have no office to run for only a desire to fix our problems and get on with making our world a better place to live. In public policy, as in medicine, there are few if any perfect prescriptions. I685 is no exception. But is an important step in the right direction the perfect way to signal those mired in the politics of failure that we demand change and results. It is also the best way we know to give those political leaders with vision and compassion a strong vote of confidence and support as they fight to prevail against great odds. In the final analysis, I685 really is about who decides whether decisions about health and treatment will be made by individuals and their doctors or by politicians and government bureaucrats. If we, as a society, believe the fear mongers who equate a doctors recommendation of marijuana with a street corner drug deal, we are doomed to loose both the war against illegal drugs and the battle against the public health crisis that addiction truly represents. On Election Day, you will have a rare opportunity to offer a decisive second opinion. We urge you to join us in voting yes on Initiative 685. (Dr Rob Thompson is a Seattle Internist. George H. Revelle is a retired King County Superior Court Judge. The Rev Andrew Mullins is a Vice Dean of St. Marks Cathedral)