Pubdate: 27 Nov 1997
Source: An Phoblacht/Republican News 

Following a meeting with Lower Crumlin Combined Community Group and
management of a Dolphins Barn based hackney company has agreed to instruct
its drivers not to carry known drug dealers. 

Earlier this year the company in Dublin's South inner city was the target
of antidrugs pickets organised by the LCCCG. 

Brian Kenna, LCCCG spokesperson, said ``this agreement is very welcome and
is part of the ongoing battle against the pushers. The situation will be
monitored by the community and it is hoped that other similar companies in
the area will cooperate in the same way''. 

Brian added that ``the situation in the Lower Crumlin, Dolphins Barn area
with regard to the open sale of drugs has improved in the last six months
and the community group is intent that it will not revert back to the way
it was''.