Newshawk: Pat Dolan Source: Siegener (Germany) Pubdate: 15 Nov 1998 Website: Translator: Pat Dolan (from German) HEROIN TO BE DISTRIBUTED FIRST IN HAMBURG AND FRANKURT Hamburg (AP) The trial of a state controlled distribution of heroin to sick addicts will begin in Hamburg and Frankfurt. Federal Health Minister Andrea Fischer told the German newsmagazine 'Der Spiegel' that the preparations were already well advanced in the two cities. The Greens Minister declared that the distribution would be expanded to include convicts. She would also seek agreement from her colleagues on a unified sanctions policy on marihuana possession. Comparing marihuana with alcohol, Fischer said moderate life-long consumption caused no harmful effects: "Some can manage that, many others can't." The drug mortality figures dropped a further 200 last year to 1,500, the 1990 figure. At the same time, however, there was a sharp increase in the number of first time consumers of so-called party drugs. - --- Checked-by: Mike Gogulski