Pubdate: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 Source: Economist, The (US) Contact: Website: LAND OF THE SMOKE-FREE There is no case for stiff new penalties against America's tobacco firms The extraordinary political battle over the future of America's tobacco industry seems likely to come to a climax over the next few weeks. Will Bill Clinton work with Republicans on Capitol Hill to impose drastic new penalties on the once-mighty industry? Or will president and Congress settle for posturing - each aiming to outbid the other ahead of this autumn's Congressional elections, proposing ever more outlandish punishments, until the process collapses without yielding legislation? The tobacco firms too have a choice to make. Now that Congress has picked apart the deal they agreed with state governments last June - a deal that, on any disinterested assessment, was already harsh - should they refuse to co-operate in seeking a national agreement, as they now threaten to do? And, if so, should they fight their cases through the courts or seek quick settlements state by state? Complicated stuff. Let us simplify. The politicians are debating, in effect, whether to thump the industry severely or beat it to within an inch of its life. Perhaps even now it isn't too late to point out there is no case for doing either. To judge by the rhetoric of the anti-tobacco campaign, America has taken leave of its senses over smoking. Politicians and newspapers refer mindlessly to tobacco firms as "dealers in death" - comparable to, or maybe worse, than terrorists. Yes smoking is bad for you, as every packet of cigarettes sold in America for the past thirty years has pointed out. But so are lots of things: high-fat foods, alcohol, fast cars, unprotected sex and jogging all take a dreadful toll. In a tolerably free society, you are allowed to do what is bad for you, and what others would rather you didn't, so long as you are harming only yourself. Despite the bally-hoo over second-hand smoke, there is no good evidence that it poses a measurable risk to bystanders. America's insistence, whenever possible, on enclosing smokers in small glass-sided cubicles already protects non-smokers from both nuisance and any risk. A tolerant society would recoil even against this, never mind seek to mobilise a lynch-mob against the dissidents. True, the tobacco companies have hardly helped their cause. Their refusal to admit the obvious - that smoking is unhealthy and addictive - must rank as one of the stupidest, and least successful, disinformation campaigns in history. But this should have no bearing on their position in law: they should not be judged negligent because everyone has known for decades what they denied. The states' legal suits claiming damages for health-care costs created by smoking, which have forced the industry to the negotiating table, are bogus. On balance, smokers save public money by dying early. The avowed priority of Mr Clinton and congressional leaders - to cut teenage smoking - is just more humbug. Simply banning vending machines and enforcing more vigorously the current laws against sales to minors would achieve more in that regard than fining the industry billions or forcing it to agree to unconstitutional bans on advertising. Turning tobacco into a wicked indulgence by declaring war on it is certainly the best way to get teenagers to take it up. Fanaticism takes years off your life The tobacco companies, aided by a coalition of junk-food firms, retailers and civil-liberties groups, may yet hold the zealots at bay, both in state courts and Congress. More likely, the firms will eventually have to agree to some settlement. It is in America's interest that any such deal, whether reached at the national or state level, falls far short of providing the huge damages and draconian restrictions now being contemplated. The intolerance of the anti- smoking movement is a greater threat than smoking. If the zealots succeed in pushing cigarettes to the edge of prohibition, their real goal, then what will be next? Not guns, obviously - no need to get carried away. But beer, perhaps (it's bad for you, and drunks can be violent). Or hamburgers (America has an obesity crisis, and fat people take up too much space). Enough, already.