Source: Sunday Times (UK) Contact: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 THE WEST'S SECRET WEAPON TO WIN THE OPIUM WAR It does not look like the nerve centre of the best-kept secret in the war against drugs. The perimeter walls are dull concrete topped with barbed wire; the buildings drab; a guardhouse and a huge mechanical steel gate offer the only entry. But the compound set beyond the sprawl of tractor factories and grey apartment blocks of Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, could hold the answer to tackling the international trade in heroin. Inside this cold war relic in one of the most isolated cities in the world, scientists supported by Britain and America are carrying out a secret project that challenges some of the most powerful criminals in the world. Uzbekistan was once part of the Soviet Union and locals know the compound as a former centre for germ warfare research. A sign outside celebrates the place as the "Garden of Victory", so called because the compound used to produce horticultural pathogens, including wheat rust and cereal blight - biological agents designed to destroy the food crops of the motherland's enemies. Though the compound now goes by the more prosaic title of the Uzbekistan Institute of Genetics, staff are still bussed in, Soviet-style, at 8.30am and out again at 4.30pm each day. Inside are three large blocks containing 19 laboratories built in the 1950s, a row of greenhouses and an experimental farm. The deputy director of the team of scientists is Rustam Makhmudovich, a nervous, bespectacled figure. "We still are experts in biological research, even though we no longer take our orders from Moscow," he said last week in his office on the first floor of the main laboratory building. "I am not allowed to reveal anything concerning the fungus project. I can only tell you that we have about 200 scientific staff, including 24 doctoral researchers and 70 other scientists. "In the Soviet period we were concerned only with military research, including radiation testing. Now we have other priorities." Makhmudovich's office is one of the few areas in the building that resembles an ordinary room. Padlocked steel doors bar the way to the compound's other facilities. Unexpected visitors are guided swiftly away. Behind the locked steel doors, spores of a refined and rampant strain of a fungus called Pleospora papaveracea are stored and cultured. This could be the weapon that cuts off the heroin trade at source by devastating the opium poppy fields of Asia's golden crescent and golden triangle, the principal sources of raw material for the heroin trade. ORDINARY Pleospora papaveracea is present in southern Europe and throughout Asia; it can even be found as far south as Tasmania. It is not particularly deadly to plants and is seen as little more than a nuisance to farmers who grow poppies legally for medical purposes. But in the late 1980s Soviet scientists began to take an interest and tried to develop a more deadly strain. "The fungus causes the poppy leaves to erupt in lesions," said a British scientist who has witnessed the effect of these spores. "They spread and coalesce until the plant shrivels and begins to die." The new strain was almost lost in the ruins of communism. Just as the scientists were making progress, the Soviet empire began to implode. When Uzbekistan became an independent republic in 1991, thousands of papers from the institute were transported back to Moscow and the research became lost in the chaos. But in their hurried exit the Kremlin scientists left behind hundreds of biological samples, frozen inside the laboratory storerooms. In 1992 the institute reopened and began to blossom again as a civilian research centre. Its new director, Professor Abdusattar Abdukarimov, an expert in plant genetics, examined the stored specimens and recognised the potential of the fungus, but had little money to pursue development. His attempts to raise interest and funds failed until the institute's work came to the notice of a British expert in plant pathogens who is also a consultant to the United Nations drug control programme (UNDCP). The Foreign Office and American agencies also learnt of the research and recognised its potential. They pondered two courses of action: pursuing the research in Uzbekistan, where facilities were less advanced, or transferring it to the West. Secrecy, safety and political sensitivity argued for Uzbekistan. The fungus was an untested biological agent and potentially dangerous. And if such a biological weapon originated in Britain or America, it might be seen as an act of germ warfare if deployed against countries such as Afghanistan and Tajikistan, where opium poppies are an increasingly important crop. It was agreed to fund the institute in Uzbekistan to conduct further research; Britain is thought to have supplied approximately a third of the money, the United States two-thirds; it was all channelled through the UN. According to western sources, some $500,000 has been supplied for chemicals and equipment, and the American government is funding salaries for scientists in Uzbekistan. The institute, as well as the project, has effectively been taken over by western powers. The fungus is now being tested on opium poppies being grown in remote parts of eastern Uzbekistan on the border with Kyrgyzstan. "Conditions are ideal," said Nazarov Timur, head of drug abuse prevention for the Uzbekistan government. "A number of illicit cultivation plots are being treated with small amounts of the fungus. I think they have had 100% success." UZBEKISTAN is on the rim of the golden crescent - the region of central Asia that threatens to become the biggest producer of opium for refining into heroin. Where once the golden triangle of Burma, Laos and Thailand dominated the opium trade, now Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan are also big producers. To the south of Uzbekistan an estimated 60,000 hectares of poppies are under cultivation in Afghanistan, producing enough opium to make almost 300 tons a year of the purest heroin. Many of the plantations are in the mountainous regions on the Afghan-Pakistan border and in areas controlled by the Taliban Islamic militia. The Taliban has turned a blind eye to opium growing, claiming that farmers need the income to rebuild their war-scarred villages. The truth is simpler: opium is a lucrative cash crop which the UN estimates earned Afghan farmers A3100m last year; the Taliban is thought to take a 10% cut. From the poppy fields the opium travels by lorry to southeast Turkey where gangs operate at least 20 to 30 laboratories for refining it into heroin. It is then smuggled through the Balkans or, latterly eastern Europe, Russia and Poland, into western Europe. The golden crescent now supplies about 90% of the heroin which reaches Britain's streets. In 1997 opium production in Afghanistan leapt by a quarter to 2,800 tons. Another bumper crop is forecast this year. The flood of heroin has reduced the price of a single "wrap" to little more than the cost of a pint of beer. Against this background, the work at the Tashkent institute has taken on a greater urgency. MI6 has been kept informed of progress. Earlier this month a British expert from the Institute of Arable Crops Research - a government-backed body near Bristol - visited the laboratory complex and delivered a favourable report on progress. The work has also been vetted and cleared by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, and the International Institute of Biological Control, at Ascot, which specialises in the environmental effects of natural plant pathogens. Plans for deploying the fungus are advancing rapidly. Two scientists are to be brought from Uzbekistan to Britain to train them in "formulation technology", to make the fungus in sprayable form, and the use of fermenters to produce large quantities of it. Once introduced to a crop, the fungus can spread through the aerial transmission of its own spores, but the rate of contamination can be increased by spraying from an aircraft. Though further tests must be conducted to ensure the fungus has no harmful side effects - and none has been found so far - the potential for mass production is already there. A confidential research report states: "Production capacity to treat approximately 2,000 hectares of illicit opium poppy crop currently in cultivation in the subregion [central Asia] could be established relatively easily, and at modest cost." The aim will not be to wipe out the poppy fields - as opium growers could simply replant - but to infect the poppies without killing them. Growers, the theory goes, would still expend time and effort on their debilitated plants yet produce very little of the drug. Will the Garden of Victory march onwards against the poppy? Scientists and UN staff have been forbidden to talk about the project. "I can talk about other matters but not about this," said Bogdan Lisovich, representative of the UN drug control programme in Uzbekistan. "There are very big issues at stake." - ---