Source: Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) Contact: Pubdate: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 Author: James Woodford, Defencve Correspondent TROOPS GET THE ALL-CLEAR TO DOSE UP ON ENERGY DRUGS Australian troops have been officially cleared to use performance-enhancing chemicals, including drugs, and methods banned by international sports authorities, to improve their physical and mental strength. Guidelines on the use of the substances and techniques have been issued to the commanders of Australia's special forces units - the Special Air Service Regiment, 1 Commando Regiment and 4th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment. The senior nutritionist at the Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Mr Chris Forbes-Ewan, said that unlike in sport "all's fair in love and war". "What we are trying to gain is an advantage over any potential adversary," Mr Forbes-Ewan said. "What we will have is a head-start." Commanders and doctors have now been given advice on the use, dosage, benefits and side-effects of performance enhancers including: Blood loading, illegal for Olympic athletes. The technique involves taking between up to a litre of blood from a soldier and putting it in deep freeze. Over a period of days the soldier will make up for the loss of blood and then, before the battle or exercise, when endurance is required, the blood is infused back into the veins. Instead of having the usual four or five litres of blood the soldier has five or six. Creatine powder, a naturally occurring substance in the muscles which stores high-energy phosphate. Caffeine, which in doses equivalent to six or seven cups of strong instant coffee leads to significant improvements in endurance. Oral rehydration drinks containing electrolytes and carbohydrates. Ephedrine, banned in sport but which, in combination with caffeine, seems to give a bigger boost that either ephedrine or caffeine. Modafinil, invented as a medical aid for people who have sleep problems but also helps people such as soldiers keep going on all-night missions . The decision to issue the guidelines follows surveys of special forces troops, revealing that more than 50 per cent of soldiers are using, without authorisation or supervision, energy boosters and performance aids, which scientists call "ergogenic aids". Most of the aids used by soldiers were simple and harmless substances that were available legally. No evidence of steroid use was uncovered. Scientists have ruled out about 50 other performance-enhancing substances, including steroids. - --- Checked-by: Rich O'Grady