Source: San Francisco Chronicle (CA) Contact: Pubdate: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 Author: Edward Hegstrom Chronicle Foreign Service Page: A8 BELIZE'S QUIET DESPAIR Tiny coastal nation plagued by misery brought by crack cocaine addiction Orange Walk, Belize The center of this little town looks so wholesome that you expect to see Andy Griffith come whistling around the corner. There's a small white church near the town hall and a shaded park where girls in school uniforms gather after class to gossip and giggle. But the wholesome image is only a facade. Trouble lies just around the corner. A town of 14,000 nestled into the sugar cane fields of northern Belize, Orange Walk is overrun by crack cocaine addicts known as "sprungheads" because of their notoriously volatile personalities. The sprungheads loiter on the side streets smoking $2.50 rocks of crack as fast as they can scrounge or steal the money to buy them. The most desperate addicts hang out in the cemetery, sleeping on top of tombs or at an adjacent crack house. "We're here all the time, always looking for the next hit," said Chris Garland, one of a half-dozen addicts gathered in the cemetery one recent morning. "Cocaine just messed up my whole life," said Leroy Young, combing his white beard from his perch atop a tomb. Once a successful cabinetmaker with a family and enough money to visit London, the 62-year-old Young now lives alone in a crack-house room barely large enough to stretch out his lengthy frame. He coughs regularly, a symptom of chronic bronchitis. His hazel brown eyes show desperation, his waist has shriveled away and his once-powerful arms have gone flabbier than chicken wings. Orange Walk wasn't always like this. Although marijuana has been grown and smoked here for decades, crack cocaine only really blossomed in the past few years, changing Belize dramatically. The tiny country, which was once relatively free of crime outside the capital city of Belmopan, is now overrun by drug-related crime and misery, the sort of problems formerly associated only with inner cities of the United States "People used to say cocaine gringo problem," said Miguel Segura, an officer in the Belize Force. "But now we have all the same problems: Broken homes, crime, violence, even gangs." It's not just Belize. Thanks to changes in the international flow of drug trafficking, crack cocaine addiction has suddenly become a problem all along Central American Atlantic Coast, experts say. Colombian traffickers increasingly use the poorly patrolled coastline between Costa Rica and to transport drugs bound for Mexico and then on to the United The trade has inadvertently introduced cocaine to remote coastal villages where it was never seen before. Bales of cocaine sometimes wash ashore by accident, dumped by boats fleeing authorities or spilled while being transferred from one ship to another. The drug is also left behind as payment to local middlemen. Wherever the coke winds up, people try it. Like a nasty virus, cocaine refuses to respect political boundaries or cultural traditions, destroying lives indiscriminately. There are now crackheads; among the blacks of eastern Costa Rica, the Miskito Indians of Nicaragua, the Spanish-speaking fishermen of Honduras, the Garifuna Indians of Guatemala and the Creole-speaking people of Belize. Alarmed by the trend, the Organization of American States put together a special task force last year to combat the addiction now sweeping through Central America's seven nations. "Everything we're seeing indicates an increase in drug use throughout the region," said Anna Chisman, who coordinates the OAS' Atlantic Coast drug-prevention program from Washington, DC. Belize has been particularly hard hit, which some believe is related to the country's longtime acceptance of marijuana. Belizeans see themselves as kin of the Jamaicans, and so smoking the milder drug has long been an accepted part of the local Rastafarian culture. By the mid-1980s, exports of "Belize Breeze" made the country the fourth-largest marijuana producer in the world, according to the U.S. State Department. The drug became so socially accepted that semi-professional soccer teams were typically funded by their own private pot farms. In Orange Walk, the export of marijuana was practically uncontrolled. Smugglers began using the main highway just outside town as a night landing strip for drug planes. Workers with flashlights politely stopped cars along the highway so the planes could land and be loaded with pot. Unable to control the smuggling through traditional policing, the desperate government eventually resorted to putting metal posts along both sides of the highway, so planes could no longer land without clipping their wings. Despite the heavy use and the lucrative exports, marijuana never brought much violence or even petty crime to Belize. "People who smoke ganja remain calm," said Segura, the police official. "But people who smoke crack do crazy things. They leave their family. They steal. They kill." Gangs modeling themselves after Southern California's Crips and Bloods now prowl the streets of Belize City, and drive-by shootings are becoming routine. People accustomed to small-town tranquility have had to quickly revise their lifestyles. Door locks have been reinforced, bars added to windows, fences built. Many Belizeans no longer hang their laundry outside to dry, fearing that a crack addict will steal it. "The crime here is no worse than what you would see in Houston or Dallas," said Chris Heaton, a police officer from Plano, Texas, who recently spent two weeks patrolling Belize City as part of an exchange program. "But you have to remember that Belize City has a population of 50,000," he added, compared with more than a million in the Texas cities. Ironically, many Belizeans say a well-intentioned U.S. drug eradication program is partially to blame for the explosion of local cocaine use. In the late 1980s, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency brought in aircraft to spray herbicide on the Belize marijuana crop. The program was so effective that the local ganja supply dried up almost overnight. "After the spraying, people were looking for another drug," said Francis Vaizar, head of the government's National Drug Abuse Control Council. "They switched to cocaine." Cocaine flowed so freely through Belize that the State Department decided to place economic sanctions on the government last year, lumping Belize with Colombia as countries that did not cooperate sufficiently in the war on drugs. The sanctions were lifted early this year after Belize officials seized more than two tons of cocaine over the previous several months. The transition from marijuana to cocaine is particularly strong in Orange Walk, which once served as the heart of pot-growing country. The region's location along the border with Mexico made it perfect for smuggling. The social acceptance of pot has now transferred to cocaine and crack, creating a strangely surreal small-town scene. Unlike in Belize City, police have managed to keep Orange Walk from becoming overrun with violent crime. But petty crime is pervasive, and the smoking and dealing of crack are tolerated. Just around the corner from the picturesque central square, at least three bars openly sell crack over the counter, according to Victor Pollard, the government's local drug counselor. Walking farther up a side street, Pollard points to well-kept homes with new paint jobs. The owners, who he says are well respected, deal crack from their porches. The police accept bribes to allow the dealing to continue. The problems are so ingrained that Pollard sometimes wonders how long he will be able to keep up his morale in the losing battle. "I've got so much into this, but sometimes I just want to quit," he lamented. "The place is so corrupt, and it will never change." - --- Checked-by: Mike Gogulski