Pubdate: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 Date: March 5, 1998 Source: Honolulu Star-Bulletin Author: John McClain Regarding the International Olympic Committee's reinstatement of snowboarder Ross Rebagliatti's gold medal: Denying the achievements of drug users to send the right message to our children is foolish, unless we do it in a consistent manner. Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas and Eugene Delacroix all smoked hashish, so we really should deny the greatness of works like "Les Miserables," "Hunchback of Notre Dame," "The Three Musketeers" and "Count of Monte Cristo." The Delacroix painting of Liberty leading the people: Ban it from our children's textbooks! Get rid of Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women," too, and the works of Yeats and Wilde. These writers smoked hashish, and we should not confuse our children by honoring them. We should also ban those jazz musician postage stamps that our government recently issued, since many of those musicians smoked pot or used heroin. And please stop listening to the Rolling Stones and the Beatles. We must do these things. Only then can we protect our children from that dangerous thing called truth. John McClain (Via the Internet)