Pubdate: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 Date: 04/20/1998 Source: Edmonton Sun (Canada) Author: Chris Clay WITH THE recent hubbub surrounding Justice Minister Anne McLellan's marijuana fears, perhaps it's a sign that we need another Royal Commission to look at the issue. In 1972, the LeDain Commission recommended the decriminalization of marijuana after four years of research. Over 25 years later, pot is hot once again and the public wants a debate. A recent Angus Reid poll found that 51% of Canadians want the full legalization of marijuana. Similarly, a 1994 Health Canada survey revealed 69.1% support for either legalization or decriminalization. And, of course, the Rebagliati incident triggered a stream of editorials and articles across the country. Over 600,000 Canadians have been burdened with criminal records for cannabis possession since the 1960s. This is a tremendous injustice, something that the minister of justice and the rest of Parliament needs to address. It's "high" time for a national debate. Chris Clay, Sechlet, B.C. (Legalization is unlikely, but sympathy for the issue is unquestionably growing.)