Pubdate: Fri, 06 Feb 1998 Date: 06/02/1998 Source: Calgary Sun (Canada) Author: Kelly T. Conlon YOUR REMARKS to MS sufferer and medical marijuana activist Lynn Harichy's May 31 letter was "Pot is already virtually decriminalized for personal use." I suppose "virtually" is one of those weasel words editors and politicians like to invoke from time to time to defend the indefensible. The last time I looked at the criminal code, can-nabis possession was included. I didn't see any qualifiers, excluding sick people from prosecution. Can you think of another medicine which must be acquired through a court of law, rather than a pharmacy? In any event, you've missed the larger point. How are bedridden or disabled patients supposed to aquire a supply of medicinal marijuana without risking prosecution for more serious crimes like cultivation and trafficking? Kelly T. Conlon (Marijuana should be legalized for medicinal use.)