Pubdate: Mon, 06 Apr 1998 Date: 06/04/1998 Source: Calgary Sun (Canada) Author: Lynn Harichy I'M SO glad you said "Pot is already virtually decriminalized..." in your response to my May 31 letter. That was my thought exactly. That, of course, was before a good friend and medical user was busted. I knew it could be me next. I watch many being busted and it makes me scared. As long as the laws are not changed, many medical users like me are at target. We don't harm anyone, we cause no damage to anyone, yet so much money is being wasted prosecuting us. People think "well, they have bigger fish to fry," which is so true, but every day people just like me are being busted. If marijuana is already virtually decriminalized, then why is this law still on the books? And why are virtually innocent people being punished for something virtually not a crime? Lynn Harichy (Maybe some middle ground can be found.)