Pubdate: Wed, 06 May 1998 Date: 06/05/1998 Source: Evening News (Norwich UK) Author: Melissa Dawson Sirs, I have to respond to your editorial opinion (June 4) on the planned laying of wreaths by the Campaign to Legalise Cannabis International Association. It said that you considered the plan to be a "crass" stunt. Actually, it is a heart-felt plea to governments across the world to end the devastating and inhumane war against those who choose to use certain drugs over others. It certainly does not harm the "credibility" of the campaign by making people aware that there are HUMAN casualties in the 'War on Drugs.' Nor does it harm the cause to bring attention to this Government's stubborn and intolerant stance and the general public's apathy towards Human Rights issues. To the people who say the drug laws are fair, I ask is it fair to take people away from their families, criminalise and imprison them, confiscate their property and ruin their lives, for choosing to taking a drug and harming nobody? There most certainly is a link to the World War; our soldiers fought against the same sort of intolerance of other choices. Think of William Foster, a family man, presently serving 93 years in a Texas prison for growing a few marijuana plants to try to ease his suffering from crippling rheumatoid arthritis. Those who ignore the plight of people like him are no different to those who ignored the fight of those who were persecuted under the Nazis. I urge everyone who believes in the freedom of choice and in human rights, to join the call to free the prisoners of this very real war - the war on drugs. Melissa Dawson Norwich