Pubdate: Sun, 07 Jun 1998
Date: 07/06/1998
Source: Orange County Register (CA)
Author: Fred Abalon Jr.

I may be stupid, but I know the cost difference between a doctor using
an operating room for an abortion and a doctor prescribing a pill for

Oklahoma Republican rep. Tom Coburn's Amendment to the 1999 $5 billion
budget for FDA sounds like a doorbell to me next tax season. The
amendment prohibits the FDA money to be used on drugs that will induce
abortion. He argued that this drug -RU486- will be abused and will be
used for killing babies inside the womb.

For heaven's sake; abortion is legal already in this country! Why not
try to save some taxpayers' money with a proven, safe abortion pill?
These pills are in circulation in France and some other countries in
Europe to date.

Fred Abalon Jr.