Pubdate: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 Date: 09/09/1998 Source: Herald, The (UK) Author: Alun Buffry IN your report, Drugs czar calls for testing of emergency staff, you say that "Keith Hellawell has called on Scotland's emergency services to lead the way in the anti- abuse war by introducing screening programmes in the workplace". While appreciating the need to ensure that all workers are in a fit condition to do their job, I have to wonder why Mr Hellawell and his bosses are so keen to test almost everybody for illegal drugs. The only advantage I can see to such a policy would be to sell more drug-testing kits. Since the vast majority of these tests detect only cannabis, which could have been absorbed weeks before or even only passively, the results are clearly a waste of time and money. Furthermore, all the official Government-sponsored studies into the effects of cannabis conclude that it has no detrimental effect on either motor or cognitive skills, yet relieves stress and tension. Even a test which did show current intoxication would be no reason to punish the users. Maybe it is the drugs czar himself who should be tested daily, in case someone in his office building unwittingly caused him to passively inhale the healing smoke of the cannabis plant which he has described as "evil". Alun Buffry. Winter Road, Norwich.