Pubdate: Fri, 30 Oct 1998
Date: 10/30/1998
Source: Orange County Register (CA)
Author: Max St. Yves

One wonders what other Orwellian rules will be piled on the citizenry,
in addition to the trendy "zero tolerance" policy now endured by
today's teenagers. The article, "Breath checks await some football
fans," [Metro, Oct. 16[, reporting that students attending the Dana
Hills High School football game will be subjected to Breathalyzer
tests, is the zenith of invasion of privacy and abuse of individual
personal freedom.

This type of madness comes from the same mentality of the busybodies
who deprived us of helmetless motorcycle riding, buckle-free motoring,
smoker's rights and firearm ownership. What next - counting the spokes
on students's bicycles? Ourlawing onions on hamburgers? Making
backpacks illegal?

Max St. Yves