Pubdate: Thu, 10 Sep 1998
Date: 10/09/1998
Source: San Francisco Examiner (CA)
Author: J.J. Staples

CINTRA: Thank you for your courageous, clear-headed, common-sense
commentary on addiction and the war on drugs. Since your Oct. 2 column
included the phrase, "but if you can put it a little more succinctly,
I'll sign any petition you circulate my way," I thought you might be
interested in the Drug Reform Coordination Network, which publishes a
weekly newsletter on the Web ( / ). For just one
striking example of how brutally nutty things have gotten, consider
item No. 9 in the Oct. 2 newsletter, "Imprisonment for Legal Cooking
Herbs in Oklahoma."

Regards -
J.J. Staples