Pubdate: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 Date: 11/01/1998 Source: The Sun Herald (Australia) Author: B. Berwick IF the Salvation Army's Major Brian Walters had family members employed servicing passenger aircraft, I suspect he would moderate his views on the sharps containers installed in Ansett aircraft ("Flying High", October 25). For many years the servicing of aeroplane toilet systems has been fraught with danger from needle stick injuries. It is not a recent occurrence brought about by the installation of sharps containers. Yes, there are amusing stories of passengers being handed back false teeth, rings, wallets and mobile phones that have ended up in the loo. However, the days of "dunny diving" have long gone due to the inherent risks to the rescuers. Get some sanity back into the discussion. Every needle placed in an aeroplane sharps container, whatever the source, is one less risk of injury or disease to the public. B. Berwick Melbourne