Pubdate: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 Date: 11/11/1998 Source: Times, The (UK) Author: Stephen Young Sir, Calling it a "huge success", Patrick Dixon tries his best to paint a friendly face on mass drug testing, now an institution here in America. He offers little consideration, however, of employees who have done nothing to provoke such a degrading procedure. And what of the fears of employees hesitant to reveal medical conditions to employers? Drug screenings can detect legal drugs, as well as illegal drugs. Innocent employees can experience false positives, and drug-using employees may know how to generate false negatives. Perhaps there are fewer positive drug test results now, as Dixon claims, but it would be ridiculous to assume that the process has had any actual impact on the American drug problem. Drug testing has been a success only as a business, profiting from a form of alchemy by which, at last, urine can be turned into gold with little expense, as long as an employee's dignity and privacy are overlooked as costs. Yours faithfully, Stephen Young, Roselle, Illinois