Pubdate: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 Date: 12/13/1998 Source: News & Observer (NC) Author: Jesse Thorn Website: Section: Sunday Forum Dr. Linda Bayer argued from emotion and failed to provide hard facts regarding the controversial subject of medical marijuana legalization. Bayer argues that since an equally effective drug, Marinol, has been available along with newer drugs such as Ondansetron and Genisetron, there is no need to legalize "medicinal marijuana." Wrong! These drugs are used only as anti-emetics and anti-nausea agents. They do not have anywhere near the wide range of therapeutic uses of marijuana. Marinol does not provide the same medical value as marijuana. It does not contain all of the compounds found in marijuana that provide therapeutic value. Clinical tests show that not only is marijuana more effective than Marinol in reducing nausea, but when given the choice between the two, patients opted for marijuana because it is easier for them to get the proper dose. Many highly respected medical organizations including the American Medical Association, American Academy of Family Physicians, Kaiser Permanente, New England Journal of Medicine, American Cancer Society and even our state's N.C. Nurses Association advocate the use of medical marijuana and/or further research into medical marijuana. I would advise Bayer to consider the following and take the advice to heart: "Doctors are not the enemy in the 'war' on drugs; ignorance and hypocrisy are. Research should go on, and while it does, marijuana should be available to all patients who need it to help them undergo treatment for life-threatening illnesses. There is certainly sufficient evidence to reclassify marijuana as a Schedule II drug. . . . As long as therapy is safe and has not been proven ineffective, seriously ill patients (and their physicians) should have access to whatever they need to fight for their lives." - The New England Journal of Medicine, Aug. 7, 1997 By making medical marijuana unavailable to victims of the illnesses listed above, the federal government forces patients and their physicians to substitute a less effective and more expensive alternative treatment in many cases where the use of marijuana is indicated. The current policy makes criminals out of otherwise law- abiding citizens whose only crime is to use marijuana to reduce their suffering. Jesse Thorn Raleigh