Source: San Francisco Bay Guardian Contact: Wed, 31 Dec 1997 LUNGREN VS. PROP. 215 A recent California appellate court ruling, which reinstated an injunction to shut down the San Francisco Cannabis Buyers Club, may have chilling consequences. The court ruling was specifically directed at Dennis Peron and the San Francisco club, but I worry that Attorney General Dan Lungren may use it as an excuse to shut down clubs throughout California. In a Dec.12 Associated Press story, Lungren said he believes the ruling "gives proper guidance through-out California and we will so advise the law enforcement." In the same article, Gov. Wilson's spokesperson said, "The state needs to do everything in its power to limit the distribution of potentially dangerous drugs." That sounds to me like the state government is getting ready to fight with patients and caregivers throughout California to thwart access to their medicine. Was that the intent of Prop. 215? In a dissenting opinion from the appellate court, Justice J. Anthony Kline said the majority ruling would make marijuana unavailable for many seriously ill Californians. Was that the intent of Prop. 215? Justice Kline said, "The right to obtain marijuana is... meaningless if it cannot legally be satisfied." I agree with Justice Kline. I think the major-ity on the appellate court got this one wrong. The intent of Prop. 215 was to allow seriously ill patients to have safe access to a medicine that is ben-eficial to them. What is to protect the patients and caregivers from the police? The court of law has failed them, though hopefully only temporarily. In the mean-time, we have only the court of public opinion. I urge you to call your local law-enforcement agencies, the attorney general, and the governor and tell them that you will strongly object to any attempt to shut down buyers' and cultivators' clubs statewide. State law enforcement should not be using your tax dollars to fight your sick family and friends. Prop. 215 was about co~ passion, not control. Stop arresting sick people! Naura Kriho Nederlaud, CoLa.