Source: Moscow-Pullman Daily News (ID-WA)
Copyright: 1998, Moscow-Pullman Daily News
Author: Nina Staszkow
Pubdate: 6 Nov 1998


Moscow Police Capt. Dale Mickelsen resigned today after admitting to using

Mickelsen, 51, had been the subject of an internal personnel investigation
conducted by the Idaho Criminal Investigation Bureau which was completed
before his resignation. He had been on administrative leave since Oct. 28.

"It is his hope that the community, whom Dale served, will better
understand and forgive his conduct since it arose while he faced a personal
crisis," Mickelsen's attorney, Mark Moorer, wrote in a press release.

Moore said Mickelsen's drug involvement included only marijuana which he
used off-duty. Moorer would not comment on how often Mickelsen was using or
for how long. He did say Mickelsen's drug use was done around the time of
his divorce, which was finalized last month.

"In this case, it doesn't matter if he used it one time or 10 times,"
Moorer said.

Moorer said Mickelsen will no longer pursue a career in law enforcement.
Instead he will concentrate his efforts on "getting well" and seeking less
stressful employment.

"(Dale Mickelsen) was an individual who was given a great deal of trust,"
Moorer said. "He felt that he breached that trust and the only honorable
thing to do was to resign."

This morning, Mickelsen's uniform and weapon were turned into Moscow Police
Chief Dan Weaver. Weaver said he knew nothing about Mickelsen's drug use
until today.

"(Mickelsen) is aware of the high ethical standard we have in this
department," Weaver said. "Given that, he chose to resign."

Mickelsen began work with the city of Moscow in 1981 as a patrol officer.
In September 1989, he was promoted to sergeant and, in 1994, he moved to
lieutenant before that position was reclassified to captain. Until July,
Mickelsen had been division commander for the University of Idaho at the
campus substation. Recently, he was rotated to operations division
commander working from the downtown station. At times, Mickelsen served as
acting chief in Weaver's absence.

Before his employment in Moscow, Mickelsen worked for the Genesee Police
Department for two years and the Juliaetta Police Department from February
1978 to June 1979.

"It is sad to see somebody who has given a major portion of their lives to
a career and then make mistakes that stop that career prematurely," Weaver

Mickelsen's position will remain vacant while the city advertises for a
replacement. Meanwhile, Weaver and Capts. Don Lanpher and Cameron Hershaw
will divide Mickelsen's duties. No criminal action will be taken by the
city. City Attorney Randy Fife said any information gathered during the
internal investigation legally could not be used against Mickelsen.

"It's certainly a sad day for the department," Weaver said.

"There are no other department members that are involved in this and we
continue to have high moral and ethical standards for our employees."

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Checked-by: Pat Dolan