Source: Sun Herald (Australia) Contact: Copyright: 1998 John Fairfax Holdings Ltd Pubdate: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 Page: 75 Author: S. I. COHEN, visiting professor University of Newcastle A CANNABIS CON DR Andrew Byrne and Dr Raymond Seidler (Letters, November 8) cannot have seen the harm done by cannabis and I invite them to spend a day at the Psychiatric Emergency Clinic of the James Fletcher Hospital (or at any general casualty department) when they would see at least one and often several young adults in a state of terror as a result of a drug-induced psychosis, with terrifying delusions and hallucinations. They might alternatively see other types of serious mental disorder associated with cannabis use, such as a manic illness, cannabis being nowadays the most common cause of mania in young adults. All these very sick people become well in less than a week when they stop their drugs. A very large number of people take cannabis and only a small proportion develop these serious disorders, so there is an element of individual vulnerability, but the number who do become ill is sufficiently large for at least one to appear virtually every day in any busy hospital. - --- Checked-by: Don Beck