Pubdate: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 Source: Houston Chronicle (TX) Contact: Copyright: 1998 Houston Chronicle Author: Lynn Brollier, Houston SPOILS FROM THE DRUG WAR Thanks to Thom Marshall for his Nov. 18 column, "Common sense and drug woes." I'll be the first to admit I voted for politicians who turned up the heat on the war against drugs, only to realize that we now have policies far more destructive to our society than the drugs themselves. We have created an unregulated, uncontrollable market for drugs while becoming a nation addicted to the spoils of the drug war in the form of packed and expanding prisons, police raids, searches and seizures and the destruction of lives, families and jobs. Revenues have been wasted that could be put to better use through education and programs for youth. Our Constitution is under direct fire from these policies, yet we blindly follow those who would have us believe this is the only way to win this war. I hope in time we can send a message to elected officials that this policy is a failure and that it's time for a more sane approach. We should stop this waste of monies and lives. Our freedoms are in jeopardy. Lynn Brollier, Houston - --- Checked-by: Don Beck