Source: Age, The (Australia) Contact: Copyright: 1998 David Syme & Co Ltd Pubdate: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 Page: A6 Author: Victoria Button Author's Source: Source: Ms Ruth Joyce, Head of Education and Prevention in the UK government's standing conference on drug abuse. CHILDREN AGED FOUR TO 11 WERE ASKED TO RESPOND TO A STORYLINE: Cheryl was walking down the street, when she found a bag of drugs. 1) What do you think was in it? Slugs, jugs, herrings - Age 4 LSD, needles, glue, cans, ecstasy, cannabis leaves, crushed cannabis - Age 8 Steroids, glue, weed, spliff, grass roll up, anabolic steroids - Age 9 Bart Simpsons/Batman, sleeping pills, capsules of mars, wrap of cocaine, booze, tipex - Age 10 Viagra, 9 trips, speed and needles, skunk - Age 11 2) Who do you think dropped it? A robber - Age 4/5 The nurse dropped the bag - Age 4 My brothers friend - I met him at the supermarket and he asked me if I knew someone who wanted drugs - Age 7 P...H... is a drug dealer in our village ... he has a rounders bat under his jacket - Age 9 K...G..., an older person from the big school. - Age 11 My uncle - he got sent down for it. - Age 11 3) What would you do with it? Police - Age 7 I'd take the drug, sniff the glue and huff the marijuana - Age 7 I would just see what it is. I would open the lid on the tablets and eat one - Age 7/8 I might try some because I would be curious what might happen - Age 7/8 To do a deal with a friend - Age 8 4) Can drugs be good for you? - if so, when? A drug could be good for you if you had a headache - Age 10/11 If you are an athlete it would help you but it wouldn't be good for you - Age 10/11 This boy has taken steroids to make him run faster to win races - Age 10/11 5) Can drugs be bad for you? - if so, when? Drugs can be bad for you when they are too strong or badly cut - Age 9 - --- Checked-by: Don Beck