Pubdate: Tue, 24 Nov 1998
Source: Ft. Worth Star-Telegram (TX)
Copyright: 1998 Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Texas
Headline by Hawk

Dear Editor:

I am writing you to let you know about some of the dangers and affects that
drugs can have on you. I think drugs are bad because they can slow down
your thinking skills.

When I walk home from the bus stop, I see butts form marijuana, liquor
bottles and hypodermic needles in the streets. Marijuana is one of the
highly used drugs among teen-agers today. Marijuana is also know to most
people as poppy.

Cocaine is another drug used by teen-agers and adults. Heroin is another
drug that has come back from the past and has already killed several
teen-agers in Plano.

There are several teen-agers in my area who do drugs, and they have little
sisters and brothers and even children of their own, and they do drugs
around them. I think that it is a bad influence. I intend to never do drugs
because I know the effect that it has on your brain and other cells in your

Britni Barrett
Glencrest Middle

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Checked-by: Joel W. Johnson