Pubdate: Nov 28, 1998 Source: New Scientist (UK) Page: 18-19 Copyright: New Scientist, RBI Limited 1998 Contact: Author: Phyllida Brown THE CHINESE WAY OF DEATH FOCUS: We Know That One In Two Smokers Will Die---But How Tobacco Kills You May Depend On Who You Are And Where You Live ONE HUNDRED MILLION---or one in three---of today's young Chinese men are expected to die from cigarette smoking in the next few decades. But these grim numbers, announced last week after unprecedented large-scale studies of China's smoking epidemic, are not completely unexpected. What has surprised researchers are the different ways in which tobacco produces its fatal effects there, compared with the West. In the US and Britain, whose smoking epidemics have reached their peak, about half of all regular long-term smokers eventually die of their habit. Among Chinese long-term smokers, the same proportion is eventually expected to die when the epidemic there reaches the same stage in a few decades. But for the time being, at least, the diseases that kill smokers in China follow a strikingly different pattern, with respiratory diseases the most important cause of death and tuberculosis killing as many smokers as heart disease (see Diagram). The bottom line, then, is that smoking is at least as dangerous overall as anyone thought. But rather than causing specific diseases, instead it seems to increase the fatalities due to the chronic diseases that predominate in any given population, says Richard Peto, one of the authors of the study and an epidemiologist from the University of Oxford. A leaked memo reveals that British American Tobacco has already tried to exploit differences in the patterns of tobacco-related diseases in China and the West. But while tobacco firms are likely to cite the latest findings as evidence that tobacco does not cause specific diseases, Peto is unfazed. He argues that the size of the numbers and the strength of the link between smoking and death are overwhelming. "Tobacco is something that makes a particular disease a lot more common, which means that it is an important cause of deaths from that disease," he says. He notes the risk of dying from respiratory disease or cancer increases with the length of time someone smokes, further implicating tobacco in each death. And he argues that almost no disease has a single cause and that it is bad science to suggest it does. The long-term implications of the findings from China are clear. First, they show that no developing country can afford to extrapolate from Western figures to predict the shape of its tobacco epidemic. Second, they suggest that public health officials may need to rethink their approaches to treating and preventing diseases such as tuberculosis, which kills 2 million people a year. There were two main studies in China--- both conducted by teams in Beijing at the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, along with Peto and others in Britain and the US. Both appear in last Friday's British Medical Journal (vol 317, p 1411 and 1423). In the first, an industrial-scale endeavour, researchers traced the death certificates of almost one million people who had died between 1986 and 1988 across the country, in 98 rural and urban districts that are broadly representative of the country as a whole. This was possible because, unlike most poor nations, China counts its dead. A surviving relative of each dead person was contacted by medical staff and asked whether the dead person had smoked or not. The researchers sorted the death certificates into four groups: cancers, respiratory disease, vascular disease (heart disease, strokes and other circulatory disease) and "all other" causes. They used the other-causes group as a reference group that enabled them to see how over-represented smokers were in each of the cancer, vascular and respiratory disease groups and therefore calculate the fraction of deaths in these groups due to smoking. The second "smaller" study is still under way. It involves 250 000 adults whose smoking habits have been recorded and whose deaths are being monitored. Results from the first 10 000 deaths align closely with those of the first study. Both investigations show that today about 12 per cent of Chinese male deaths are caused by tobacco. For women, the figure is 3 per cent, but, unlike most regions studied, and to everyone's surprise, young Chinese women seem to be giving up smoking. In terms of the overall numbers, the results are an uncanny echo of the tobacco epidemic in the West. In the US, tobacco was responsible for 12 per cent of all deaths in 1950, when cigarette consumption was at its peak. Twenty years on, after the long incubation of many smoking-related diseases, tobacco-related deaths in America had risen to 33 per cent of the total. In China, cigarette consumption among men is now at the same level as in the US in 1950, and, from the calculations of both studies, the same proportion of all deaths, 12 per cent, are attributed to smoking. If the pattern persists, then tobacco-related deaths in Chinese men will rise like those of the US to reach one in three in the next few decades. The proportion of smokers killed by their habit will rise, as in the US, from one in four to one in two. But that's where the similarity with the West ends. In developed countries, lung cancer in nonsmokers is rare, and smoking increases the risk that a person will die of the disease about twentyfold. In China, lung cancer is comparatively common, even among nonsmokers, and smoking "only" trebles the risks. For reasons that no one can explain, the rates of death from lung cancer in nonsmokers also vary tenfold across the country. Peto thinks part of the explanation may be the heavy indoor air pollution in some of the colder cities, such as Harbin, where people heat their homes and cook with coal. This illustrates the problem of making direct comparisons between East and West. The picture for heart disease is even more puzzling. In the West, in young middle age, a smoker's risk of dying of heart disease is 300 per cent greater than a nonsmoker's. In China, it is a mere 30 per cent greater for the smoker. "This finding was completely unexpected," says Peto. "I was very uncomfortable with it, and thought, 'What have we done wrong?"' In fact, the prospective study and the retrospective study tie up so closely that the researchers are now confident that they have got their epidemiology right. They hope further studies will shed light on these observations. Other researchers, such as Paul McKeigue at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, say that the results for heart disease should not be so surprising because heart disease is relatively uncommon in China compared with the West. The causes of heart disease are still not fully understood, and it is possible that smoking in Western societies simply exacerbates a disease that is already very common. These studies raise many questions about the ways smoking kills in different populations. But they nonetheless show cigarettes are killing vast numbers in the developing world, and that by 2025 tobacco will probably kill as many people in a year as the current annual death toll from diarrhoeal disease, pneumonia, malaria and TB combined---around 10 million people. On 22 November at Beijing's Tsinghua University, WHO leader Gro Harlem Brundtland launched the organisation's latest anti-smoking initiative. She told the Chinese premier Zhu Rongji there is no greater priority in global public health than reversing the trend of rising tobacco consumption in the developing world--- and she now has the evidence to back her claim. - --- Checked-by: Patrick Henry