Pubdate: Mon, 7 1998 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Contact: Copyright: 1998 The Orange County Register Author: Alan W.Bock-Mr.Bock is the Register's senior editorial writer. Note: Mr.Bock is the Register's senior editorial writer trend to be discerned from the 1998 elections Journalist and author Richard Reeves, when I talked to him in the early 1980s on a book-flogging tour, expressed fascination that the mainstream media - presumably the people closest to important events - during his lifetime had missed most of the significant political trends until they were already well-established - from the beginning of the civil rights movement to the rise of Goldwaterism to opposition to the Vietnam was to the late-1970s tax rebellion. I suspect they have also missed the most significant trend to be discerned from the 1998 elections. Amid fruitless speculation on whether the midterm elections were a referendum on Clinton, a slap to insufficiently conservative and hapless Republicans or a new life for a previously dispirited Democratic Party, the talking heads on election night usually found a stray second or two to note that medical marijuana initiatives had passed in several states. It was generally treated as a mildly amusing resurgence of aging hippiesm, chalked up as an inexplicable anomaly before the experts moved on to more comfortable material like the meager distinctions between the two major parties. Yet the results just might portend a seismic shift in the way American voters think about drug policy. On Election Day 1998 every single ballot measure that promised some kind of reform in our draconian and ineffective drug laws - from limited medical use of marijuana to decriminalization of personal, recreational marijuana use to an end to jail time for simple possession of even "hard" drugs - passed, and passed by comfortable margins. These results came in the face of vehement and scornful opposition from almost every establishment entity imaginable, form the official federal drug warriors (often using tax money to try to influence the elections) to an over-whelming majority of elected officials of both major parties to three former U.S. presidents. Nor was this s "stealth" campaign for a single initiative sneaked onto the ballot in a single state. Voters in places as diverse as Arizona, Oregon and the District of Columbia voted for whatever reform initiative was place before them. In Minnesota, Jesse Ventura, who had made a point of criticizing the ineffectiveness of the drug war without actually calling for legalization, won a stunning victory. In California, Dan Lungren, who had carefully positioned himself as the staunchest of drug warriors, was defeated soundly. None of the members of Congress who had voted against a House resolution (clearly designed to influence voting on medical marijuana initiatives) - declaring that medical marijuana was a dangerous figment of wishful thinking - paid for their audacity at the ballot box. Libertarian Republican Ron Paul of Texas, who has called for a complete end to the drug war, won by a comfortable 55 percent. This election showed that when it comes to the drug war, the American people no longer trust their government or the two major parties. It also displayed a commendable distrust of official "safety" agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (Arizona voters, traditionally among the most conservative in the country, rejected a legislative softening of an initiative they had passed two years before that would have postponed medicalization of marijuana until the FDA approved it). And on a separate initiative, Arizona voters affirmed that they don't want incarceration to be an option for first and second offenses for simple possession of any drug. To be sure, no initiative called for outright legalization off drugs. But the voters, in the face of the usual alarmist rhetoric about how any softening of the drug laws in the name of compassion would lead to chaos (and congressional refusal even to count the votes in Washington, D.C.), voted for every single reform measure. In short, the only clear message to emerge from the 1998 election was one of respect for freedom and personal dignity, of confidence in the judgment of individuals and their doctors over the mandates of the state. All the media missed it. The drug warriors may have gotten part of the message and responded with a stern admonition that the federal drug laws are still in place and the uppity people - states representing 20 percent of the population now have voted for some kind of medical-marijuana initiative - better not get too entranced by subversive ideas about states' rights or individual choice. Accordingly, I have a couple of suggestions for initiatives to be placed on the ballots in other states two years hence, as they certainly will be. Those initiatives should contain two additional provisions: One, the state's congressional delegation should be instructed - not just recommended or any such evasion - to introduce and support a law removing marijuana from Schedule I (reserved by law for drugs with unique dangers of abuse and no known medical value, which means keeping it there is already against federal law) at the federal level so it can be prescribed by doctors. Second, the attorney general of the state in question should be instructed - or commanded, or whatever legal language is most mandatory - to mount a legal challenge to the constitutionality of the federal drug laws. A constitutional amendment was required to prohibit beverage alcohol at the national level because everyone then understood that the national government under the U.S. Constitution didn't have the authority to do it. Why isn't an amendment required to give the national government the power to prohibit certain other drugs? Without such an amendment, where did the feds get the authority? That would certainly make things interesting if, by then, we have survived the Y2K crisis. - --- Checked-by: derek rea